Da wir schon die aus den Dark Ages haben, hier noch die aus der Masquerade:
Revised EditionCorebook:
- Path of Blood (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Bones (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Night (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Metamorphosis (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Paradox (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Typhon (Conviction/Self-Control)
Guide to the Sabbat:
- Path of Caine (Conviction/Instincts)
- Path of Cathari (Conviction/Instincts)
- Path of Death and Soul (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Evil Revelations (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Feral Heart (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Harmony
- Path of Honorable Accord (Conscience/Self-Control)
- Path of Lilith (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Power and Inner Voice (Conviction/Instinct)
Chaining the Beast:
- Path of the Beast (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Blood (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Bones (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Caine (Conviction/Instincts)
- Path of Cathari (Conviction/Instincts)
- Path of Death and Soul (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Honorable Accord (Conscience/Self-Control)
- Path of Lilith (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Metamorphosis (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Night (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Orion (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Paradox [Mayaparisataya] (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Power and Inner Voice (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Redemption (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Revelations (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Typhon (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Entelechy (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Hive (Conviction/Instinct)
- Path of Scorched Heart (Conviction/Self-Control)
- Path of Self-Focus (Conviction/Instinct)
- Sharia El-Sama (Conscience/Self-Control)
2nd EditionPlayer's Guide
- Path of Typhon
- Path of Paradox
Player's Guide to the Sabbat
- Path of Caine
- Path of Cathari
- Path of Death and Soul
- Path of Evil Revelations
- Path of Harmony
- Path of Honorable Accord
- Path of Power and Inner Voice
Clanbook Assamite
- Path of Blood
Clanbook Setites
- Path of Ecstacy
- Path of Blood
Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
- Path of Lilith
- Path of the Scorched Heart
- Path of Self-Focus
(Ich vermute, dass die Liste nicht vollständig ist, da ich sie aus dem Gedächtnis gemacht habe. - Und außerdem bräuchte ich vielleicht jemanden, der die deutschen Terminologien kennt. Ich bin doch bekanntermaßen nicht gerade fit in den Feder&Schwert Übersetzungen.

[Edit (medusas child): Liste ergänzt.]