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Autor Thema: WOD2: Changeling - Swords at Dawn  (Gelesen 2819 mal)
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« am: Juni 30, 2009, 17:00:24 »

Zitat von: White Wolf Board
The book is about conflict, change, hope, & renewal. Like Dancers in the Dusk it about Fate & Dreams in general as well - but from a more hands on character perspective rather than a narrative Storyteller perspective.

Ch1: Duels at Dawn - lots of new rules & traditions for dueling; discussion of Courts & Seemings in & at war. New Contracts (The Board - blends the metaphor of games & military conflict, using a chessboard to fight a battle for example; Thorns & Brambles - power over exactly what it says, often imposing aspects of the Hedge in the mortal world; new Goblin Contracts)

Ch2: The Loom of Fate - hands on dealing with fate I mentioned before, known as "Talecrafting"; these come with new Merits known as the Fatebound where the character is bound to an certain story archetype that empowers them but they are forced to play out.

Ch3: Things of Legend - Legendary Tokens, as well as new tools & Goblin Contracts for Oneiromancy

Ch4: the Coming Dawn - Storyteller advise using the aformentioned themes of Dawn, as well as the Dawn Court & it's Entitlements (opposite of the fatalistic Dusk Court, the Dawn Court is associated with "Hope" & has the favored Contracts of Potential).

Zitat von: White Wolf Board pt.2
Chapter 1: Breaks down how each Court fights a war, reminiscient of the kinds of battle we see in a recent arc of the Fables comicbook. Of more interest to me personally was Hedge duels, including another breakdown of how duels are fought in different courts, including several examples of duels that are less straight forward than "I shoot him in the face!".

Chapter 2: Expands on Dancers in the Dusk's information on Fate and how it operates. This is the other side of the coin- Fate can be manipulated by the Lost. There's much greater detail devoted to some of the archetypes fate assigns to people, as well as different "kinds" of fates that might befall a given person. In some ways, its what I wanted the twin chapter in Dancers to be- althought the Moirae were awesome. While dancers provides a nice overlay, this will give you a much more up close and personal look at what fate can do.

Chapter 3: Ahhhh, so this was were the tokens that should hav been in Equinox Road wound up. These are some hefty artifacts, ladies and gentlemen. Just to pull out an obvious example- The Cauldron of Rebirth. Faithful retelling of the Bran the Blessed backstory included. Brings blokes back from the dead. Further on, we get more rules for dreams. The concept of shared dreams is touched upon, as is a Bastion (basically, a dream based Hollow). Dream goblin contracts....tokens impacting dreams....not to be confused with Baubles, which are literal dream tokens. Finally, the concept of places in dreams....actual locals out there in the murky changing world of the Skein that dreamers don't create so much as visit, is touched upon but not expanded overly much.

Das Buch ist das letzte aus der Changeling Reihe. Wegen des großen Erfolges ist dies nun das zweite Buch welches nach dem eigentlichen Ablauf des "Jahressystems" rausgebraucht wurde und beendet zugleich auch die Linie buchtechnisch.

Ich bin gespannt ob es wirklich soweit kommt da da Changeling: The Lost ein sehr großer Erfolg war und die Bücher bisher immer groß gelobt wurden.

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